Oil & Gas
An area demanding absolute reliability and extended durability
AVK Industrial products cover needs - both on-shore and off-shore. Our group companies’ extensive experience supports fast and comprehensive services, and the service offer is one of reliability and durability as our key focus.
Applications for the oil and gas segment include petrochemical, distribution, production, coal seam gas and fracking, LNG, floating production, storage & operation. Particularly on fire protection as well as cooling water applications our AVK Philippines Industrial offer is extensive.
Below are listed the AVK Industrial Valve companies that are relevant for Oil & Gas. Please do not hesitate to contact us with your enquiry.

Wouter Witzel: Oil and Gas solutions
For 40 years, the Dutch company Wouter Witzel has been a leading manufacturer of high quality industrial butterfly valves and actuators. The products are used in pipelines as shut-off valves, control valves and non-return valves. A full range of manual control devices, actuators and accessories is available.

Interapp: Oil and Gas solutions
Headquartered in Rotkreuz, Switzerland, InterApp operates its own research and development as well as manufacturing, assembly and testing facilities in Switzerland and in Spain. With more than 40 years of experience, InterApp sets technological standards with their proprietory valve and fluid technology.

ORBINOX: Oil and Gas solutions
ORBINOX is one of the world’s leading producers of knife gate valves and is present in more than 70 countries worldwide with over 45 years of experience designing, manufacturing and distributing knife gate valves, penstocks, dampers and valves for hydraulic works.

TecArtec: Oil & gas
Asia Pacific Region
AVK Hong Kong and China have supplied extensive Oil & Gas installation both on off-shore Rigs and landsite installations. These include Rigs fully fitted with high pressure, high performance steel and bronze firefighting valve installation.
AVK China also have very extensive Gas network installations with AVK’s high quality Series 36 valves.