Water in the world: Local and global challenges
Clean water and renewable energy are essential resources for people and the environment throughout the world.
According to the 2015 World Economic Forum, overuse of water resources was and remains the biggest threat to human welfare and well-being for the next ten years. In addition, according to the UNICEF (2018), 3 out of 10 people lack properly managed water supply and 6 out of 10 people lack safely managed water sanitation facilities globally.
Less than half of wastewater worldwide is collected, and even less than 20% of it is treated before being returned to the environment. Serious environmental problems including pollution and climate change have resulted from this where it also compromises the long-term viability of sources for clean water access. According to UN, half of the world's population may not have access to safe and clean drinking water by the year 2030.
More and more cities are facing water shortages and a serious challenge of providing adequate freshwater to their residents. Today, our global resources are under pressure due to increasing water scarcity and population growth that demands attention and action that will lead on efficient and sustainable solutions for water distribution and wastewater management.
To guide the world towards a sustainable future, the UN approved 17 sustainable development goals.

AVK, as a global leader in water and wastewater industries shall take to social responsibility and create value to help accomplish several SDG's by collaborating with water utility companies.
AVK focuses mainly on goal:
No. 6 and No.11 : In relation to ensuring access to water and sanitation. Our valve solution help ensure clean drinking water in well-established water supply system by providing reliable, long lasting and dependable water management. AVK products and solutions are applied to various processes that aims to ensure responsible wastewater management and reliable water supply.
No. 7: In relation to a reliable and sustainable energy. Our valves for wastewater treatment, biogas and hydroelectric energy production contribute to a larger share of renewable energy.